Tupper’s bold dwarf
At the beginning of this past Spring I went out to the fields where I saw a farmer ploughing his dry parcel of land. He did so with hope and illusion, while other one was fertilising his field even when there were not signs of any rain coming. The farmers’ patience, and hope and faith have always made me feel emotional. They plough their fields and sow the seeds hoping with patience and faith that will reach a day when rain will come and make them fruitful. The apostle James wrote this about them: “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains” (James 5:7). It is that same love, faith, hope and patience that guide us to publish our magazine, to keep and improve our website and to have weekly services, trusting that each effort will carry the powerful message of Jesus’ love that will fructify in our hearts and will transform our lives, and that will move to change the hearts of those people that have not yet a personal relationship with Jesus Christ so that they will return to His Creator in thankfulness.
We continue printing and mailing out our Verdad y Vida magazine. It tries to answer the big questions that the human beings have always had: “Why I’m here? What is the purpose of the human existence? Have I been created or I’m the result of randomness and capriciousness?”. The great Jewish scientific and thinker, Albert Einstein asked himself: “What does the fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?“. Searching to answer that question, referred to the human being, it is part of our purpose too, as well as to help each reader to light up the odyssey of his live with the light of the faith and the hope and the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Tupper wrote: «A dwarf bold decision may change the look of a battle and gather for the noblest fight the giants who had fled». The Spanish brothers and sisters along with a very small number of other brothers and sisters from abroad, as well as the very small number of co-workers that support us with their donations, are that dwarf of brave resolution that with God’s help are trying to change the look of secularism and forgetfulness of everything that have to do with our Creator in this old Spain each day more orphan of the transcendent values which give true answer to the human being deeper hopes.
We are not discouraged from the commitment and calling to share God’s unlimited good news in Jesus Christ. And we hope and trust, with God’s help, our brothers and sisters are trying to share the gospel with their relatives, neighbours and acquaintances too. I’m aware that God is blessing us and will continue to do so in the same way He has been doing along of the centuries with all those who have tried to fulfil His will of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with other through God’s love in them and with His words.
Thanks to God and to His glory, the website www.comuniondelagracia.es is receiving more visits every new month. Up to day has received visits from 112 countries, from Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Iraq, China, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. So we are very thankful to God for that open door to share His good news in Jesus Christ with the world, but this is possible only through the donations of every one of us, and those of you who will feel move to support our efforts. and thus being part of Tupper’s bold dwarf.
As a ministry we have been operating on red numbers during all these years of economic crisis in Spain and we are feeling almost exhausted now. So your support would be much appreciated and need it at this time. If you would like to make a donation click here to find the information you will need to do so. Thank you very much for your support!
Writing about generosity the great English preacher, John Wesley, said: «Do all the good you can, by all means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can , to all the people you can, as long as you can.» There is not greater good we could do that give to all humans beings we can to know what God in His love has given them and what He has made them to be in Jesus Christ. This is what this ministry of love and hope is trying to do.
Once again, thank you very much for your prayers and faithful and generous support that will help us to continue participating in the work of the Father that Jesus Christ is doing and his faithful with Him. And we know all sacrifices will have been worth!
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